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The Laws of e-rostering Compliance Management

Already I'm off to a bad start - this post isn't about robots, I have more than 3, and they're not really laws. Still, if you can forgive the extremely tenuous link, I'd be very pleased to hear from you. What did I miss? What don't you agree with?

  1. e-rostering benefits will be generally less tangible unless a compliance protocol is active. Staff should work as you wish them to work. What’s the purpose of a roster policy component that isn’t measured effectively?

  2. Elective action (data entry) on the part of the roster managers and ward clerks is prone to inaccuracy. So, intelligent defaults, alert automation and policing are key. Ultimately, time and attendance clocking devices would improve data quality significantly (but not perfectly).

  3. Roster planning quality is not usually a skill that is certified or expired. Is the disposition of the most important asset in the Trust not viewed as important? Planners should be “master classed”, and certainly not self-trained.

  4. In any Trust, the roster policy will generally be poorly understood by the majority, with many lessons to learn from other Trusts (which could help refine the current policy) remaining unlearned.

  5. Honest and open cooperation and communication in forming and learning best practice with other e-Rostering Trusts is useful, but generally underdone. Social media interest groups are a good adjunct to more formal sessions.

  6. Ward Managers may not be accountable budget holders for their wards. Roster construct efficiency (in terms of cost and risk) will correlate to Ward Manager motivation. It is generally easier to motivate Ward Managers to perfect their plans on risk and safety, rather than financial angles.

  7. Ward Managers and may not be aware of the risk and cost consequences of poor planning. They absolutely can be better instructed, but this will be more effective on an ongoing basis if we can give them a simple way to measure “What good looks like”.

  8. Matrons will do a better job (in this context that is to say, solve a higher proportion of band mix and headcount errors across their wards) in assuring on strong future roster plans, if analysing these plans is made very simple and clear.

  9. Any e-rostering system will offer only degraded performance, with less clear financial benefits, without an effective compliance management solution.

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